JKD: Moving Forward

In all areas of study and practice there is an inevitable desire to crystallize, standardize, and otherwise encapsulate that which was once free, fluid, and in a constant state of evolution, into a definable and easily digestible product by imposing boundaries and limits. Gradually over time, The Way is mistaken for The Truth and becomes...Continue reading

The JKD Filter

By labeling Jeet Kune Do as “just a philosophy” with no curriculum or progression of techniques, we rob it of the technical merits of the material taught by its founder, Bruce Lee. On the other hand, by crystallizing the art as “only what Bruce Lee taught,” we deprive ourselves of the free expression and naturalness...Continue reading

High Performance Sparring

One of the most frequently recurring topics of discussion within our group centers around sparring. Specifically, the best progression of drills to prepare new students for contact sparring, as well as how and when to step up the intensity. Now, we realize there is a certain segment of the martial arts community that believes light...Continue reading

Punching Power

Something has been lost in the modern fighter’s quest for brilliance in every conceivable aspect of the martial arts. Boxing on Monday. Wrestling on Tuesday. Core Conditioning on Thursday. Martial art hobbyists around the world now have training opportunities formerly available only to the pros (and they are taking advantage!). Undoubtedly this type of training...Continue reading

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